Why You Should Add Bubble Tea to Your menu

Bubble tea, also known as boba tea, has been gaining popularity worldwide in recent years, and for good reason. This refreshing and unique drink is a perfect addition to any foodservice menu. Here are a few reasons why:


Bubble Tea is Trending

Bubble tea is not just a passing trend. Its popularity has been growing steadily over the years and is expected to continue to rise. By adding bubble tea to your menu, you are tapping into a market that is only getting bigger.


Bubble Tea is Versatile

One of the great things about bubble tea is its versatility. It can be served hot or cold, with a variety of flavors, toppings, and even different types of tea. This makes it a perfect beverage for all seasons and occasions. Plus, you can get creative with the toppings and offer unique flavors that customers won't be able to resist.


Bubble Tea is Healthy

Bubble tea can be a healthy alternative to other sugary beverages. Many shops use fresh ingredients and natural sweeteners, and some even offer sugar-free options. The tapioca balls, also known as bubbles or pearls, are a great source of energy and fiber. They add a fun chewy texture to the drink and are available in a variety of flavors and colors.


Bubble Tea is Instagram-Worthy

In today's social media-driven world, aesthetics matter. Bubble tea is a visually appealing drink that customers love to share on Instagram and other social media platforms. By adding bubble tea to your menu, you are not only offering a delicious and unique beverage but also increasing your chances of being shared on social media.


Bubble Tea is a Profitable Addition to Your Menu

Not only is bubble tea a delicious and unique drink, but it can also be a profitable addition to your foodservice menu. Bubble tea is inexpensive to make, with low-cost ingredients that are readily available. Yet, it can be sold for a higher price than regular soft drinks, making it a profitable item to add to your menu. It's also easy to customize and upsell with different flavors and toppings, allowing you to increase your profit margins even further.


In summary, adding bubble tea to your menu not only offers a delicious and visually appealing drink for your customers but can also bring in additional profits for your business. With its growing popularity and versatility, bubble tea is a smart investment that can help set your foodservice business apart from the competition.


Create colorful and tasty drinks using bubble tea in Skymsen´s LI- 1,5L / LI - 2,0L / TA-02 Blenders.

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